Saturday, April 4, 2015

Who Really Won - Why This Pizzeria Owner Is Rich

I don't think I put anything in here particularly offensive, but someone else will be the judge of that.

The latest news this morning centered around a small pizzeria in Indiana.  Long story short, the owner of the restaurant, Crystal O'Connor, had said something that has permanently changed her life.  She was asked a hypothetical question about catering a gay wedding.  She answered with no.

You can read more here.

Now the pizzeria has closed down due to the number of death threats and other such things hurled toward the owner and her business.

Where do I even begin?

I guess I'll start here - I completely disagree with her stance.  I don't think it's right or it's fair to refuse a service that people pay for because you disagree with their sexual preference.  I wait on people I disagree with ALL the time for multiple reasons, and they get the same service and smile I'd give anyone.  Not just because I'd lose my job calling someone a self-important fuckwad, but because it's the right thing to do.  She chose a life serving the public, and certain standards come with it.

But even more disturbing to me is the reaction that this has brought.  Having an opposing opinion is one thing.  Even being offended by her stance is okay.  But DEATH THREATS?  And if you read the article, you'll see how many people decided to leave false negative reviews on sites like YELP.  One I read said something about finding a tooth and the clerk yelling how it was her lifestyle choice to put a tooth on the pizza.  Really?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and wager a guess that most of these protesters are not gay, and normally wouldn't give a shit one way or another about the controversy, but are simply bored, angry people.  Not to say there aren't genuinely upset or hurt folks out there, but the majority will find something else next week to be a bully about in the name of justice or freedom or whatever.

I'm going to give some advice here as to how this woman's business would have had the most damage done to it.

Shut up, and stop buying her pizza.  IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

Because, my friends, now this woman is set for life.  A GoFundMe page was set up for her by someone on the other side of this controversy.  It has raised over $800,000.  Let me spell that out:  EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!

I love conspiracy theories, but even I can't see Crystal O'Connor sitting at home wondering how to make a quick buck, and saying to herself, "Gee, if a reporter ever comes in and asks me if I'd cater a gay wedding, I'll be sure to say NO.  That's how I'll get rich!"

She's receiving a shit ton of money because once again, we as a society grab on to this big juicy bone the media has fed us, and we run with it.  It also ran with it incorrectly, and surely the owner will be profiting off of that as well.  It doesn't effect most of us on any level, and it never should have gone beyond her losing business to folks who disagreed with her view.  Now due to this snowball effect, she can move to Tahiti and bask in the sunshine should she choose to do so, all because she answered a hypothetical question about something that was probably never going to happen.

I personally think this is especially ironic considering that no self-respecting gay couple would ever ask a pizzeria to cater their wedding.  Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Brad and I were just discussing this yesterday! After discussion, I came to the same conclusion. Don't buy their pizza! Go somewhere else! Don't buy their cake! Don't use that florist! We have a right to give someone else our business.
