Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Color Of Stupid: The Dress that Broke the Internet

I'm torn between being highly amused and wanting to face palm somebody.

Yesterday's news included such sadness as the passing of Leonard Nimoy, Homeland Security potentially shutting down, and weather causing massive nasty flight delays.  But what's really important about yesterday is THE DRESS...

This one irrelevant article of clothing has sparked a controversy that simply baffles me.  OMG, what color is this dress!?

More importantly, WHO CARES?

Apparently, no one was aware until yesterday that things look different under different lighting.  OR that white balance can and will drastically effect the color as well.  Thus, the debate of the century has commenced.

Has no one every noticed what when it's dusk, everything kind of looks blue?  MIND BLOWN!

Is it white and gold?  Blue and black?  Well now, the left shot sure doesn't look blue and black, but that shot on the right... I'm just dumbfounded.  I don't know what to believe anymore.  This is the most confusing thing since Michael Jackson.

Ok, seriously though, it's gone a bit too far.  I'm all for a little distraction from real life, because most of our news is depressing anyway.  But people are losing friends over this stupid dress.  I do support the hilarious memes that have been generated, the following being my favorite so far:

IT'S TRUE!  It doesn't matter.

Another fun example of lighting:

I can hear the debate now...  "Is this food delicious, or not delicious?  I'M JUST NOT SURE!"  "What color IS that carrot?"

Ah, I've decided to save the face palm for a more serious matter.  This one is just so ridiculous that it has to be funny.  I leave you with one more picture....